Student Handbook
Lincoln Heights Middle School

Home of the Patriots
219 Lincoln Ave
Morristown, TN 37814
Phone: 423-581-3200
Fax: 423-585-3763
PRINCIPAL: Dr. Jaime Greene

During this time of your life, EDUCATION is your career. Coming to this school is your job and your basic job expectations are as follows:
1. Bring PAPER AND PENCIL to each class daily.
2. Bring your STUDENT COMPUTER to each class daily.
3. Bring appropriate TEXTBOOKS to each class daily.
4. Know which classes require SPECIAL MATERIALS.
5. Be prepared and complete all HOMEWORK.
6. Be responsible for LEARNING at school. Learning is your first responsibility.
7. Put forth your BEST EFFORT at all times.
Clear and accurate communication is important for LHMS and your family. In addition to the student planner, a newsletter and calendar will be sent home. Students are responsible for taking messages home to their family. Students are expected to accept this responsibility and make sure their parents receive the information from school. Parents can sign up for SCHOOLMESSENGER, which is a program that sends text messages and emails to registered parents regarding school cancellations and events. This is available for Lincoln Heights Middle School as well as Hamblen County. The website for Lincoln Heights Middle:
Parents can access information about their child’s grades, discipline, lunch account balances and attendance through Parent Portal. Parent Portal is available at
Usernames and passwords can be obtained through the school office.
Hamblen County School System affirms that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI states:
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicapping condition, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Anyone who believes that the school system has discriminated against them or another individual may file a complaint.
Teachers and administrators at LHMS adhere to the philosophy that students have the right to learn within a structured and safe environment, and teachers have the right to teach without behavioral interruptions. Tennessee law mandates that school administrators protect the safety and educational environment of their students. Therefore, the administration reserves the right and authority to declare Level I and Level II null and void should a severely disruptive behavioral problem occur that mandates immediate action. For severe clause referrals, school board policies will be followed in administering disciplinary action.
1. Follow teacher directions the first time given.
2. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon by the teacher.
3. Be in your seat with materials, ready to work prior to the tardy bell.
4. Keep your hands, feet, and inappropriate comments to yourself.
5. Clear water bottles can be used with no coloring in the water.
1st Consequence – Verbal Warning
2nd Consequence – Student/Teacher Conference
3rd Consequence – Parent contact via phone or note home/notification to the student’s advisor
Four notifications within a nine-week period result in an office referral to the principal/assistant principal.
4th Consequence – Referral to principal/assistant principal
Severe Clause – Behavior that mandates immediate referral to the principal/assistant principal.
1st referral – One day ALP
2nd referral – One day ALP
3rd referral – One day ALP
4th referral – Two days ALP
5th referral – One day out-of-school suspension (OSS)
6th referral – three days OSS; mandatory orientation scheduled with parent and student at Miler-Boyd Alternative School
7th referral – Alternative School Placement
Students, staff, and teachers have the right to work and learn in a school environment free of harassment. It is important for everyone to understand what harassment is, what to do about it if you feel you are being harassed, and what the consequences are if you choose to harass another person. The following information will explain some of the types of harassment that are unacceptable to our school environment.
Harassment is any behavior or action exhibited toward a person that is unwanted and/or uncalled for and makes that person uncomfortable and uneasy. Unacceptable behavior may include physical contact, verbal abuse, graffiti, writing, rumors, etc.
Sexual Harassment is any behavior of suggestive or sexual nature, either verbal or overt, that makes the other person uncomfortable.
Racial/Ethnic Harassment is any inappropriate behavior that is based upon racial or ethnic differences. Racial slurs, jokes, or name calling are unacceptable.
Disability/Handicap Harassment is any inappropriate behavior that is directed toward a physical or mental disability.
Religious Harassment is any inappropriate behavior that is directed toward an affliction with a specific or general religious affiliation.
In accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973, it is the policy of Hamblen County School to maintain learning and working environment that is free from harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination of any type. The school system prohibits any form of harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination based upon age, religion, disability, race, or national origin. It will be a violation of this policy of any student or employee of the system to harass, sexually harass, or discriminate against a student or an employee through conduct or communication in any form as defined by this policy.
La Mesa Directiva del Departamento de Educacion esta comprometida a salvarguardar los derechos de todos los estudiantes y empleados dentro del sistema escolar y aprender a trabajar en un ambiente que es libre de toda clase de hostigamienta, acoso sexual y discriminacion.
De acuerdo al Titulo VI de los Derechos Civiles Acta de 1964, Titulo IX de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972, y Seccion 504 de la Rehabilitacion Acta de 1973, es la norma de Las Escuelas del Condado de Hamblen el mantener un hambiente de aprendizaje y trabajo libre de hostigamiento, acoso sexual y discriminacion de cualquier tipo. El sitema escolar prohibe cualquier forma de hostigamiento, acoso sexual, o discriminacion basado sobre la edad, religion, inhabilidad, raza u origen nacional. Estas normas son violadas si cualquier estudiante o empleado del sistema escolar, hostiga, acosa sexualmente, o discrimina encontra de cualquier estudiante o empleado del sistema escolar, hostiga, acosa sexualmente, o discrimina encontra de cualquier estudiante o empleado del sistema escolar por medio de conducta o comunicacion en cualquier forma definda por estas normas.
Bullying can be defined as repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others, perpetrated by individuals or groups. Bullying takes many forms and can include many different behaviors, such as, but not limited to: 1) physical violence and attacks, 2) verbal taunts, name-calling, and put-downs, including ethically-based verbal abuse and gender-based put-downs, 3) threats and intimidations, 4) extortion or stealing money and possessions, and 5) exclusion from the peer group. Any student found guilty of bullying behavior will be placed on the appropriate level of the school’s assertive discipline plan.
The LHMS counselor offers assistance to students and parents who have questions about academic and social-emotional development. As the student’s advocate, the counselor works closely with teachers, administrators and special services to provide the student with information and support necessary for a positive middle school experience. The counselor may also act as an important link between the family and appropriate community agencies. Students and parents are encouraged to contact the counselor to discuss school progress, adjustment, career and academic goals, as well as ways to enhance self-awareness.
School Resource Officers patrol LHMS on a regular basis to help provide a safe and orderly educational environment.
Parents, please notify the office of any changes in address, home and cell phone numbers, and alternative phone numbers. In emergency situations, contacting parents or guardians is essential.
The first rule for success in school is regular attendance. It is the intent of Lincoln Heights Middle School to clearly establish teaching and learning tasks as a priority. In order for students to benefit from the strong emphasis on instruction, they must attend class regularly and be on time.
Parents must call the school office and report absences at 581-3200 between 7:45 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. on the morning of the absence. Notes excusing a student’s absence must be submitted to the office the day of the student’s return to school. Notes should include the reason the student was absent and the date of the absence. Parents may not keep students’ home to babysit, run errands, or for any non-emergency family business. Such absences are unexcused. Doctor appointments should be made after school. Educational neglect takes place when parents willfully allow or keep their students out of school for inappropriate reasons.
Absences for grades 6-8 will be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal or designee in charge of attendance. When a student is absent, the school will be contacted by the parent/guardian. The principal or designee will determine whether the individual student absences are excused or unexcused. Upon return to school, it is the responsibility of the student to present a note signed by the parent/guardian in order to receive an excused absence for the day(s) out of school. An excused absence is one for one of the following reasons:
1. Personal illness (parent/guardian note will be accepted for five days each semester; after five days a physician’s statement will be required to receive an excused absence).
2. Death in the immediate family (not to exceed 3 days)
3. Illness of parent/guardian, requiring student to be absent (parent/guardian note required and counted as parent of 5 excused days)
4. Recognized religious holidays
5. Court summons (actual time in court only)
6. Doctor/dentist appointment (medical proof required)
7. Out of town trip (counted as part of 5 excused days)
8. Church-related trip (counted as part of 5 excused days)
9. Hardship absence approved by principal (family vacations are discouraged during the regular school year.)
An unexcused absence, which may be from a single class or multiple classes, is one that is not approved. Suspension from school is an unexcused absence but does not count toward total absences.
All students are expected to remain in school for the entire day. If a student must leave school for an appointment, he/she must be signed in and/or out by a parent/guardian or authorized person in the office. The student must have permission from his/her parent/guardian and from the school before leaving school grounds. No student will be released to a brother or sister who is a minor or any person other than the student’s parent or legal guardian without a parent requests early dismissal by phone, the parent must speak with a school secretary or administrator directly.
1. Middle school students will not be allowed to sign out unless a parent or guardian comes personally to the school office to sign them out and presents a photo ID
2. Parents should take note of the times during which students may be dismissed for non-emergencies. Those times are during the change of classes or at the student’s lunch period.
3. Students are to leave with a signed note from the parent. The parent/guardian will be contacted to confirm their signature on the note.
Lincoln Heights Middle School considers absenteeism excessive when it significantly interferes with a student’s academic performance. This includes excessive tardiness to school. Students are expected to arrive at school by 7:55 A.M.
Excused tardies include:
1. Late bus
2. Illness with doctor’s note
3. Death in the family
4. Religious holiday
5. Medical/dental appointment
6. Court appointment
7. School sponsored activity (Principal Approval)
Students who are tardy to school will receive two warnings before penalties including detention and placement in ALP are assessed.
Letter grades are used to indicate a pupil’s progress and achievement. The grading scale is as follows:
90 - 100 = A (Excellent)
80 - 89 = B (Good)
70 - 79 = C (Average)
60 – 69 = D (Poor but passing)
Below 60 = F (Failure)
I = Incomplete
Incomplete is used mainly in cases where a student has been absent. A student receiving a grade of incomplete has a period of five school days from the date of return to make up work. An incomplete on the report card becomes an “F” four weeks from the date it is issued. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.
The school building will be opened at 7:15 A.M. for those students requiring early entry. Normally, students who do not ride the bus are expected to arrive at school at
7:55 A.M. Students arriving before 7:45 A.M. will report to the gym or cafeteria where they will remain until they are dismissed. Students should not be in the learning area before 7:45 A.M. Students who do not report to their homeroom areas by 8:00 A.M. are considered tardy. ANY
Parents and visitors to the school should park in the parking lot in front of the school. Fire lanes and bus lanes must be kept clear at all times. Students are dismissed on the following schedule:
2:50 – First Bell
Early bus riders exit to the back of the building.
2:55 – Second Bell
Car riders are released to the front of the building.
3:00 – Third Bell
Late buses are dismissed to the Gym.
The Hamblen County Department of Education will provide free bus transportation for students who are zoned for Lincoln Heights Middle School. If you have questions concerning transportation, routes or other issues call 586-2103. LHMS students are expected to demonstrate appropriate bus riding behavior at all times while riding to and from school or while riding on school activities/field trips. Students are expected to abide by the following rules:
1. Students shall obey the bus driver's instructions.
2. Students must be seated while on the bus, facing the front with their feet on the floor.
3. Students shall not extend their head or arms out of the window at any time.
4. No throwing objects. No littering.
5. No exiting and reentering the bus.
6. There shall be no profanity, shouting, loud talking, whistling, loud laughing, scuffling, spitting, or disorderly or improper conduct of any kind on the bus.
7. Food or drink is not permitted on the bus.
The following disciplinary action will be taken for students that receive bus referrals:
1st Offense = 5 day suspension of bus privileges
2nd Offense = 30 day suspension of bus privileges
3rd Offense = 1 calendar year suspension of bus privileges
The first offense for fighting on a bus will result in the student's suspension of bus privileges for 30 days. The second offense for fighting on a bus will result in expulsion of the student from riding the bus for one calendar year.
Lincoln Heights Middle School has a Crisis Management
Plan in place to be activated in the event of an emergency or crisis. An Emergency Notification System is in effect to alert staff and students of situations requiring evacuation (fire, disaster, explosion, bomb threat or safety drill), as well as situations requiring a "lockdown" or the need to "shelter in place." Students and staff conduct drills periodically throughout the school year. Drills are a necessary safety precaution for the welfare of everyone at Lincoln Heights Middle School.
Breakfast and lunch are offered at LHMS, breakfast is free to all students. Students may pre-pay for their meals by the week or by the month. Checks should be made out to LHMS Cafeteria and given to the cafeteria manager or cashier any day before 8:00 a.m. Applications for free/reduced lunch are available in the school or district offices and need to be resubmitted every year. Federal funds subsidize the school lunch program. Misuse or providing inaccurate information is considered theft and/or fraud. All food and drinks must be consumed in the cafeteria. Students will demonstrate acceptable social manners while using the lunchroom facilities. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Lockers are made available for student use and will be assigned by the student's advisor. Students are responsible for the care of their locker and are liable for any damage. Students are discouraged from storing valuable personal property in lockers. Lincoln Heights Middle School assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property brought on campus. Lockers are the property of HCBOE and subject to search at any time. Do not give your locker combination to other students. Do not share your locker with any other student unless authorized by your advisor.
Board policies concerning drugs/alcohol/tobacco, bus conduct, student conduct, weapons, tardiness, attendance and dress code will be given to students in a handbook at registration. Changes in board policy that occur during the school year will be published in the school newsletter.
Students in Grades 6-12 may possess personal communication devices, such as cell phones, while on school property; however, the personal communication device must be in the off mode and must be kept in a backpack, purse, or similar personal carry-all and may not be used during school hours. The principal or his designee may grant a student permission to use a personal communication device at the principal/designee’s discretion. A device used outside these parameters will results in confiscation of the device until such time as it may be released to the student’s parent/guardian. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action as outlined below. School hours shall be defined as 7:50 a.m. or upon a student’s morning entry to the facility until the student leaves the supervision of school personnel in the afternoon.
Use of cameras on personal communication devices is strictly prohibited on school property or at school functions. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action as outline below.
Use and /or possession of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, by students are prohibited in all school buildings, on the school campus, and on school transportation vehicles. This policy also applies to all school bus trips. Students who violate this policy will receive the following discipline:
Each offense will result in assignment of a level on the assertive discipline hierarchy and citation to juvenile court.
Students will participate in projects using the Internet to support curriculum and activities. All students are required to have signed parental consent on file in order to have Internet access. LHMS reserves the right to monitor and track the use of Network Services, suspend or revoke privileges and take appropriate disciplinary action for unacceptable use. Students are not permitted to access their personal web pages and/or e-mail accounts from school computers.
No school official or teacher will routinely dispense medication to students except in unique situations on which a child's health is dependent upon emergency medical aid. Students who need to take prescribed medication must have a form signed by the physician and parent before medication can be brought to school. An adult must bring the medication, in the original container, and a note into the office.
DRESS CODE (Grades 6-12)
For All Apparel
*Clothing must be neat.
*No large or revealing holes, rips, or tears will be allowed in any wearing of apparel.
*Clothing will fit properly and will not be unreasonably tight or unreasonably baggy.
*Students will wear appropriate undergarments.
*Women will wear a bra.
*Undergarments will not be visible.
Slacks. Blue Jeans. Pants
*Leggings and stirrup pants will be permitted provided the top garment meets the guidelines outlined for skirts, dresses, or shorts.
*Pants will be neat and worn at the waistline.
*Pants will be hemmed.
Skirts. Dresses
*Skirts and dresses will be minimum length of mid-thigh and may include pleated, A-line, or straight styles.
*Skirts and dresses with a pleat or vent will be permitted if the top of the split or vent is no higher than mid-thigh.
*No wrap-around skirts will be permitted.
*Skirts will be hemmed.
*Walking shorts or Bermuda shorts will be permitted and will be a minimum length of mid-thigh.
*Shorts will be hemmed.
Shirts. Blouses
*Tank tops or halter-tops will not be permitted.
*Shirts and blouses will not have written slogans or messages, which contain advertisement of drugs or alcohol.
*Shirts and blouses will not contain vulgar or sexually explicit messages (direct or implied).
*Shirts and blouses will not contain any messages, slogans, or symbols that promote racial discord or are related to gang activity.
*Sleeveless shirts will cover the area from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder and will fit appropriately around the underarm.
*Shirts and blouses will be an appropriate length, coming to the top of pants, shorts, or skirts at all times.
*Biker jackets, trench coats, and large bulky jackets will not be permitted.
Wind Suits and Warm-Up Suits
*Wind suits of the nylon variety will be permitted.
*Cotton sweat pants and jammer-style slacks will not be permitted.
*All students will wear shoes.
*Flip-flops will not be permitted.
*No headwear of any type will be worn inside the buildings.
*Hair bows and barrettes will be permitted, provided they are reasonable size and subtle color.
*Hair will be worn in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process and does not call attention to the individual.
*Facial jewelry will be limited to the ear.
*Three earrings per ear will be permitted.
*Tongue bars and tongue rings are not permitted.
*Tattoos will not contain written slogans or messages, which exhibit references to drugs or alcohol.
*Tattoos will not contain vulgar or sexually explicit messages (direct or implied).
*Tattoos will not contain any symbol that promotes racial discord or is related to gang activity.
A “C” average is required to participate in any sport. LHMS offers the following sports:
Fall: Football, cheerleading, volleyball, cross country
Winter: Boys’ and Girls’ basketball, wrestling
Spring: Boys’ and Girls’ track, golf