Principal's Message

Dr. Jaime Greene, Principal
Phone: 423-581-3200
Dear Patriots:
Welcome to Lincoln Heights Middle School where our mission is to see every Patriot succeed! It is my greatest pleasure to serve as principal of this amazing school. You will find that at Lincoln Middle, every staff person is dedicated to the growth of each child. We provide an engaging, on-grade level instruction to every student, every day so that students can enter high school prepared to do their best. We are always open to communication about our school. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 423-581-3200. #GoodtoGreat
My personal message for all students includes the following reminders:
- Get Involved, don't be afraid to put yourself out there - try out for a sport, an academic team, or other extracurricular program. All students should consider joining on school club.
- Make sure to maintain your current friendships and develop new, healthy friendships.
- Stay focused on learning, stay focused on learning, and stay focused on learning.
- Be resilient, if you experience a setback, acknowledge it, but move forward knowing that every day is a new day and a new opportunity.
- If you need help, reach out to your family members, teachers, counselors, friends, or me. Middle school does not mean you have to do everything on your own. The goal of middle school is not to teach you to be dependent or to force your to be independent; it is to help you become interdependent within a community.
- Make healthy choices, remember, you always have the choice to do what is right and the time to do what is right is always now!
Dr. Jaime Greene